ShimmerEVM launches with full-featured Blockscout Explorer

The Shimmer Network brings innovative, scalable features to the EVM environment, and Blockscout provides advanced exploration tools to Shimmer users and developers!

Blockscout supports ShimmerEVM

The ShimmerEVM launch introduces EVM compatible smart contract execution to the Shimmer ecosystem, opening the door for smart-contract developers to easily build and deploy applications. With unique features like built-in native randomness and direct interaction through magic contracts with elements not part of EVM, like Shimmer native assets, in combination with high throughput and low fees, we are aiming to open up exciting new opportunities for developers to work with Smart Contracts on the Shimmer network.

View the new Shimmer explorer at

ShimmerEVM requires a robust and fast explorer, and Blockscout is excited to support Shimmer at launch with transparency for blocks, transactions, tokens, and more. Blockscout’s transaction details offer a full picture including internal transactions, full logs, state updates, and any binary data included with the transaction. Contract verification gives developers an easy way to verify, and then read and interact with contracts directly in Blockscout. A comprehensive API provides projects with instant access to the latest Shimmer data.

Explore smart contracts on ShimmerEVM with Blockscout
Interacting with a smart contract on ShimmerEVM

Consistent, cross-chain tooling is increasingly important as users are moving between blockchain ecosystems with greater frequency. Shimmer and Blockscout recognize this, and with this collaboration we’re providing the EVM and exploration tools users expect and need when interacting with a chain. Once the base-layer infrastructure is in place, users are free to dive into the unique offerings of the chain. With Shimmer EVM and Blockscout, this includes exploring a novel tokenization framework and new ways to mint, transfer, and trade assets.

About Shimmer
Shimmer is a zero-fee, parallelized Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) ledger designed to ensure the security and establishment of entirely customizable smart contract networks. Its robust tokenization framework assures seamless interoperability, composability, and feeless value transfers across smart contract networks, aspiring to transform Shimmer into a highly scalable multi-chain ecosystem. The native currency of the Shimmer network is known as SMR.For additional information, please visit the Shimmer website: Shimmer Network