Neon EVM is live on Blockscout

Blockscout is excited to support Neon as they advance Ethereum interoperability within the Solana ecosystem.

Neon EVM Block Explore

The new Neon EVM explorer is now live at!

Neon EVM introduces additional interoperability and functionality into the Solana Ecosystem. Recently launched in July 2023 at ETHCC23, Neon EVM is attracting users who appreciate Solana's unique attributes (fast transactions, censorship resistance, Proof of History consensus, coded in Rust), and also want to use tooling and interact with contracts they are familiar with from Ethereum.

With Neon EVM, any Ethereum application can run on Solana, and any Ethereum dApp tools can work on Solana. It's the best of both worlds!

Blockscout is excited to support Neon as they advance Ethereum interoperability within the Solana ecosystem. Blockscout creates a consistent experience for users when they traverse across chains, making it easy to view and understand transactions, accounts, blocks and tokens within different environments. The Neon EVM is no exception.

With the Neon EVM, Blockscout provides comprehensive data views and advanced search functionality along with support for subsecond block times (Avg 0.4 second blocks).  A full array of My Account features are available, including the ability to add custom tags and watchlists. Neon EVM developers can experiment with custom ABIs through My Account which are helpful for debugging, functional testing and smart contract interaction.

Neon just lauched their Early Builders Program which promises to bring new development to Neon EVM. Builders will be able to deploy, verify and interact with their contracts using Blockscout to inform, speed and improve development. As activity increases, Blockscout is ready to scale alongside Neon EVM to provide a portal to all transactions and on-chain activity.

Blockscout: A block explorer designed for a decentralized world.
Blockscout is the #1 open-source blockchain explorer available today. 100+ chains and counting rely on Blockscout data availability, APIs, and ecosystem tools to support their networks.